Bad pre-emption bill and "right to work" coming up in House Labor next week(2018 Session Update #5)

Two terrible bills are coming up in the House Labor Committee next week. Please read and then scroll down to take action.

Up first is a bill that would take away the rights of citizens in towns and counties across the state to make sure workers have things like sick leave, vacation, fair notice of their schedules, or even bereavement leave if a family member dies.  This so-called "pre-emption" bill, HB 189 (sponsored by Republican Monica Youngblood), will be heard next Monday, February 5th, in the House Labor Committee at 1:30 p.m. in Room 315.

And then the ultimate in union busting--a "right to work" bill, will be heard in House Labor on Wednesday, February 7.  House Bill 169 is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. again in Room 315 unless they move it to a bigger space to accommodate the anticipated large turnout.  "Right to work" is sponsored by four Republicans: Reps. Scott, Townsend, Wooley, and Nibert.

We have a special ask.  If you are a Republican union member, retiree, or family member, please call the Republicans on the committee and let them know you're a Republican who opposes so-called right to work. We've reached out to Republicans for years in hopes that they'd support workers and unions, and while we find common ground with them on a handful of law enforcement issues, the GOP voting record on core worker rights has been awful.  

When "right to work" was last up in both chambers, every single one of the 55 Republicans in the House and Senate voted against workers (by comparison, 56 of 57 Dems voted with us).  So Republican AFSCME members, retirees, and family members, please use your voice and your power to respectfully ask the Republicans on the committee to oppose House Bills 169 and 189.  We'll update everyone as soon as the votes are taken.

Here's a list of House Labor members to call (all area code 505) and email to ask to vote "no" on HB 189 and HB 169. Please be kind to the people answering the phone--regardless of how their legislator is voting, they are simply working for all of us and deserve our respect.  

Email the entire list: CLICK HERE

Chair Bill McCamley (D-Las Cruces) 
[email protected]

Vice Chair Linda Trujillo (D-Santa Fe) 
[email protected]

Miguel Garcia (D-Albuquerque) 
[email protected]

Stephanie Garcia Richard (D-Los Alamos) 

Angelica Rubio (D-Las Cruces) 
[email protected]

Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D-Albuquerque) 
[email protected]

Gail Armstrong (R-Soccorro) 
[email protected]

Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences) 
[email protected]

David Gallegos (R-Eunice) 
[email protected]

Rick Little (R-Chaparral) 
[email protected]

Rod Montoya (R-Farmington) 
[email protected]
(note the two "d"s--that's how legislative website has it)

As always, if you hear anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to you political action team at [email protected]

Sign Up for Special Legislative Updates and Calls to Action HERE.

AFSCME Political Action Team, Carter Bundy and Josh Anderson