Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Sandoval County's freedom-robbing, so called "Right to Work", ordinance is on the January 18th agenda, we need you there to speak out and tell commissioners to stop wasting tax payer money and attacking families' wages with this anti-worker ordinance, so called "right to work."
Please be advised that the vote on "Right-To-Work" will be taking place this Thursday, January 18th at the Sandoval County Commission meeting approximately at 5:00pm.
While things are getting busy with legislative session, it is still important that we all do turn out and have folks in the room to oppose this. Remember, showing up as early as possible is key to getting seats. This ordinance is an attack on our brothers and sisters working in the private sector. We must stand with them this Thursday.
January 18, 2018
1500 Idalia Road, Bernalillo, NM 87004
SAD moment for New Mexico politics, but a Proud stand for Justice by our hard working union brothers and sisters.
See PHOTOS from the previous meeting HERE
County Commissioners are being misled and siding with obscenely wealthy and shadowy organizations. Misinformed supporters are relishing a destructive attack on our organizations and everything we fight for - like fair wages, good benefits, job safety, and the freedom to negotiate freely with our employers through our unions.
It's Bad and it's wrong.
Here's what we witnessed during previous meetings:
- Commissioners questioned our loyalty to country and said union members were damaging American institutions
- Commissioners threw around racial slurs and compared workers to criminals
- Supporters of the Right to Work SCAM were shipped in from out of town by billionaire funded, Americans for Prosperity.
- Americans for Prosperity, and their kissing cousins, Rio Grande Foundation did everything they could to make this "Right to Work" billionaire power-grab sound as American as apple pie. They cited bogus, junk-science studies that were paid for by their billionaire masters
The hypocrisy of their local right-to-work scam campaign is glaring.
Read our un-sugared facts about these types of ordinances. Let's remain in this battle to defend our educators, our union families, and our fellow Americans. This type of political engineering, on behalf of billionaires, promises nothing to the American worker.
We will continue bringing in our community allies and fellow trade unionists to push back on these personal attacks.
Be there if you can. Keep putting on the heat!
Make Calls:
In Solidarity,
Connie Derr
AFSCME Council 18