CLICK HERE for a short piece on harmful impacts of Right to Work Laws [PDF], and watch this short youtube video, as well.
CLICK to watch Your Labor Minute
Senate Public Affairs is expected to hear a so called "Right to Work" bill, SB 179, on Tuesday afternoon in Senate Public Affairs, room 321. Please contact members of that committee and ask them to stand strong with working people by voting "NO" on SB 179.
Please be kind to the people answering the phone--regardless of how their legislator is voting, they are simply working for all of us and deserve our respect.
Email Senate Public Affairs, CLICK HERE
Chair Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D-Albuquerque)
[email protected]
Wednesday, February 7
House Bill 169, also a "Right to Work" for less law, is scheduled to be heard around 1:30 p.m. in Room 315, unless they move it to a bigger space to accommodate the anticipated large turnout. HB 169 is sponsored by four Republicans: Reps. Scott, Townsend, Wooley, and Nibert.
Email House Labor: CLICK HERE
[email protected]
(note the two "d"s--that's how legislative website has it)
As always, if you hear anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to you political action team at [email protected]
Sign Up for Special Legislative Updates and Call to Action HERE.
AFSCME Political Action Team, Carter Bundy and Josh Anderson