Why Join?
Do you want to build a better and more secure economic future for you and your family?
If you answered yes, it’s time to consider forming a union with AFSCME. With more than 1.4 million active and retired members nationwide, AFSCME is the strongest and most respected public services union in the country.
We consistently fight for and secure the best wages, benefits and working conditions for our members. Since so much of public service workers’ rights, benefits and funding are impacted by the actions of elected officials, we maintain a strong presence in the corridors of government, fighting to protect our members and holding politicians accountable for their actions. We stand ready to do the same for you and your colleagues.
We invite you to become a full, active, and proud AFSCME Union member. The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees is made up of 1.4 hard-working working and dedicated public service employees, just like you!
SCROLL DOWN to complete a safe and secure online membership application. Click the links below to complete your specific membership application using our safe and secure online system, OR, download and print membership application.
***REMINDER, you're welcome to join the AFSCME union from day one of your employment, but most contracts will require you to have completed a probationary period prior to receiving all the protections and benefits of your Local Union Collective Bargaining Agreement.
questions: 505-266-2505
email [email protected]
AMR Membership Application
MRGCD Membership Card
Online Contribution Form