*Empowerment through *Leadership, *Involvement, *Teamwork, and *Education.
Contract Enforcement, Grievance Handling, Arbitration, Leadership Skills, Building the Power of your Union - AFSCME Council 18 prioritizes training classes because we need YOU and your co-workers to be the leaders for tomorrow. CLICK for all the info on how to sign up for our **Free** ELITE Leadership Training Program
What is a Union?A union is an organization formed by workers who join together and use their strength to have a voice in their workplace. Through their union, workers have the ability to negotiate from a position of strength with employers over wages, benefits, workplace health and safety, job training and other work-related issues. Unions also serve an important role making sure that management acts fairly and treats its workers with respect.
Unions are democratic organizations and its leaders are elected by the membership. Our AFSCME Council 18 mission, "AFSCME Council 18 and its membership is committed to strengthening our union by increasing and mobilizing our membership. We will fight to win the battles we face at work, to improve pay, benefits, safety and fairness. We will join with our communities and allies to protect public services and fight for a just society for the people of New Mexico."