Joel Villarreal

Staff Representative

1202 Pennsylvania Street NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Staff Representative for Locals:

360 - Superior Ambulance
1529 - Dona Ana Corrections
1272 - Roswell Superior Ambulance
1879 - Dona Ana County Court Specialist
2094 - MRVDA - Mesilla Regional Valley Dispatch Authority
2393 - NM State University
2516 - Grant County
2709 - Dona Ana Blue Collar
3199 - Southeastern NM State Employees
3320 - South Central NM State Employees
3370 - Town of Silver City
3422 - Roswell Correctional Facility
3818 - City of Alamogordo
3882 - Western NM University
3973 - Southern NM State Employees